Conda TP

Conda setup

How to access conda?

docker run -i -t -v ${PWD}:/data continuumio/miniconda3

on the IFB cluster, with modules: module load conda

Conda environment

We will next detail the content of the configuration file, envfair.yml

Example of a conda configuration file


  - conda-forge
  - bioconda
  - main
  - default
  - python=3.7.6 # specify python version (not required but can help with downstream conflicts)
  - snakemake-minimal=5.10.0 # workflow manager
  - graphviz=2.42.3 # for visualisation
  - xorg-libxrender
  - xorg-libxpm
  - wget=1.20.1 # for downloading files
  - fastqc=0.11.9 # for the RNAseq analysis
  - bowtie2=2.4.1
  - samtools=1.10
  - subread=2.0.1

How to access tools?

Manage Conda environment

  1. create the working environment:

     conda create env -n myenv
  2. activate it:

     conda activate myenv
  3. if not yet done, install packages (specify the channel):

     conda install -c bioconda bowtie2
  4. work with the tools

  5. quite the environment:

     conda deactivate

1. Install Snakemake

Objective Create a conda configuration file to install the snakemake



2. Install Snakemake


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